Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Irony of Indian Constitution - Protecting and supporting racism

Indian constitution is mounted on a strong foundation of socialist principle. The preamble says “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens; Justice, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation” The words "socialist", "secular" and "integrity" were added to the definition in 1976 by constitutional amendment.

What does it mean? Let us consider one by one.
Sovereign: The word sovereign means supreme or independent. India is internally and externally sovereign - externally free from the control of any foreign power and internally
Socialist: It implies social equality, and does not connote any economic or political ideology.
Secular: It implies equality of all religions and religious tolerance.
Democratic: The people of India elect their governments at all levels. Every citizen enjoys this right without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion or education.
Republic: As opposed to a monarchy , in which the head of state is appointed on hereditary basis for a lifetime or until he/she abdicates from the throne, a democratic reoublic is an entity in which the head of state is elected, directly or indirectly, for a fixed tenure.
As a summary, the preamble assures the entire citizen will be treated equally irrespective of his religion, sex, education, color or language. But the term republic is being violated every public election. The right to vote is the right to choose. Always we have few constituencies which are announced as reserved for the candidates belong to some particular cast. Nice violation of the preamble. As the right to vote, we have the right for the candidature. But what if it is reserved? Is this what meant by equality or implementing a separation?

Secular is a region without any religion. But what about India as a secular country? Everywhere, every time people are marked by the cast or religion. Education – Seats are distributed based on the religion. Government job – separated by religion. Promotion – isolated by religion. Look into the base of the reservation. It is being divided as scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, other backward community, etc. is it according to preamble of the constitution? This reservation strategy itself hurts two words of the preamble, secular and socialist. At this point, let us discuss about the reservation. This has been implemented based on a concept for bringing socially backward people to the main stream. This has been brought to ensure the social equality of the backward people. But, then it becomes a right of the people who belong to a particular religion or cast.

While providing reservation, it is showing injustice to the people who are not covered by reservation. Let us consider one example. A government department invites job application for 10 vacancies. Among them 4 are reserved for different casts. Candidates who apply for those posts are having age relaxation, merit relaxation (like the percentage of marks in the qualification) etc. What about the people who are applying for the remaining six posts? As all the candidates got the same education, same competitive exam to get certified and going to appear the same questions for the qualifying test. But the candidates applying for the 4 seats are considered separately. Does it means equality?

There are arguments saying that the people in the reserved category are financially and socially backward. To bring them up, reservation and relaxations are required. If so, why reservation is considered for promotion? (In government departments, reservation and cast are considered for promotion). It is a bad situation where one among few people with the same qualification, same designation and same pay scale is being considered for promotion based on the cast. What happened to the word “SECULAR”? What happened to the word “EQUALITY”?

Another argument is that reservation is required to bring them financially and socially. Does it means the people not protected by reservation are financially and socially up? Does it means that the people who enjoy the benefit of reservation are socially and financially down?
Why this is happening? 60 years back, the society had a different face. But today, everyone is having the opportunity to get educated. All are having the capability to participate in the competition without any protection. Why the reservation is still going on and the division of minority and majority? The answer is simple. VOTE BANK. Technique is old “divide and rule”.
I believe that there are only two races among human, male and female. But the politicians will not allow this to be happened. They will categorise people base on their caste. Will create pockets for their selfish purpose. Will increase the distance between our hearts.

Why I can’t be treated as you and you can’t be treated as I? When my India will become a socialist secular country?

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